Pregnancy ticker

Monday, June 23, 2008

Not so good news...

This morning, led us back to the clinic for a final pregnancy blood test, that I know will be a negative...

You see, last Thursday, I started 'spotting' which led to a very painful full period over the weekend. All I wanted to do was to stay in bed & keep warm on a sunny winters day. But this was not to be with B doing the final painting on Saturday and a Sunday jam packed with birthday celebrations!

Blood test this morning was difficult, both mentally knowing what the outcome will be, but also physically as the cold weather (6 degrees the car was telling me) and no breakfast or fluid to assist the veins to 'pop out'. Alicia, the nurse, was really lovely, first trying my usual spot in my right arm, then the the same spot in my left, both without success. She then tried a smaller gauge needle and back to the right, and with the idol threat of tears if she could not find it, and B reaching for the tissue box, success with a free flowing blood vacutainer!

Oh well, in a couple of hours all will be revealed with the standard phone call to B at around 1pm. Alicia did say that 9/10 period bleeds show a negative, whilst there is a 1/10 chance it may be positive, there is little to no hope, I know!

*** UPDATE ***
The 2.30pm phone call results shows, that there is hCG levels in the results, so they will be repeating them again on Thursday! The saga continues...
*** UPDATE ***

Saturday, June 14, 2008

embryo transferred

Wednesday saw an embryo transferred and seven frozen. This is an unbelievable result by all accounts and I feel elated. The funny thing is I feel more relieved that seven are on ice than that one has been transferred. I guess because it won't feel real until we get a positive pregnancy result and with seven embryo's on ice I hopefully will not have to go through the whole egg collection process again.

I met a lady today who had 20 eggs collected (I can't imagine the pain she must have been in) and all were dud's. Although a subsequent egg collection with one embryo transferred saw her have two healthy twin boys. That is what you have to remind yourself makes it worth it.

The day of the embryo transfer we had to be at the clinic which is on the North Shore by 9.30am. So that we weren't held up by peak time traffic we set out quite early, and suprisingly the traffic was not so bad so we had an hour to spare, and decided to call into my parents house for a cup of tea. We didn't quite get the reception we expected, as my dad was in hospital with suspected kidney stones, and mum had not slept well. It was a relief for us that he arrived home as we were leaving for the clinic. We could now focus on our mission.

We pulled into the carpark at the clinic at the same time as my doctor. 15 minutes later and he was instructing us on the procedure to implant the embryo, first job being for me to remove clothes from the bottom half and for both of us to gown up (including a lovely head cap like as if you were going for surgery, and a pair of 'overshoes') and enter the room in which the tranfer would take place when we were ready. We thought that when we come out, we should get a photo, but we forgot (thankfully!). At this stage there was only one embryo ready, at the blastocyst stage. I was devastated, all that pain for one, but I was reminded they only needed one and this one was a good one, and give the others 24 hours and I could have some for freezing. Dr P was very positive this embryo was going to do the job. The process probably took all of 15 minutes with confirmation of name and birthdate (of me... NOT what this baby will be called) about three times, a viewing of the embryo on a monitor with strong magnification, placement of the catheter, release of the embryo and reexamination of the catheter to ensure that the embryo was no longer inside.

Hatched Blastocyst
Originally uploaded by lounbern

Then it was home to bed as I had woken with a cold that morning and I was hoping not to let it take hold. If I didn't have a cold I could have done whatever I liked it would make no difference to the outcome.

No success regarding the cold, it has really taken hold. We shall find out if we have had success on the baby front on 23 June.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

And then there were 10...

Ok, so B just got 'The Call' from the clinic, and of the original 16+2, 10 have fertilised and it is all looking good, no GREAT!

Now on Monday, there will be another update from the clinic letting us know how things are going, so stay tuned.

Also, I am still in a fair bit of discomfort, however a brave face will be worn tonight for a wedding this afternoon (In 4 hours actually...) and we are still lazing about watching tv!

Friday, June 6, 2008

16 Right!*

An update on the progress... After a week of hormonal injections to stimulate my ovaries, I ended up with 16 eggs (and 2 masses). Here's how.

It all started back on Mothers day, with the Syneral to put me into menopause. This created all sorts of hot flush's, insomnia and so on... Once this had happened, it was then time to start hormonal stimulation, which meant that I had to have an injection, at the same time as the Syneral, the same time every night. Frequent blood test showed that my Estrogen levels were rising, and on Monday, it had reached 873 units. An ultrasound showed a large number of medium sized follicles, so all was looking good for this week.

Wednesday's ultrasound, showed the follicles to be, on average, 15mm. The way it was explained to me was, "imagine an ovary to be the size of a golf ball, normally. In your case now, it is now the size of a SOFTBALL"! Frikken Hell, no wonder I am in pain!!!

So this morning, at 5am, the alarm went off to send me on my way to the clinic. Not that it mattered as I was already awake! So a quick shower, wash the hair, and an iron of some 'comfy' cloths, (B had a coffee... grrr) we were off on our way hoping to not get stuck in Sydney's notorious peak hour traffic! Upon arrival, and a check of the paperwork (pay the fee) I was 'wisked away' to the preperation area and B was sent to 'deposit' his sample.

16 Right
Originally uploaded by lounbern

After a little rest, this is what I woke up too! More to follow next week, as Wednesday is the embyo transfer!

* Note: right hand + 16 eggs = 16 right!