Pregnancy ticker

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Change of plans

we are now on the short cycle. I am now on day 6. I have had to give myself the gonal f injections for the last four nights which has not been fun. They have to be given the same time every day so I chose 9.45pm, thinking that I would generally be home at this time. Friday, we were at the favourite brother and Sister in Law's and B made me give it to myself as he would be away for a few nights. Saturday night I joined the next sister down and her husband and friends for dinner at the Hunters Hill Bowling Club so gave myself the injection in their car in the carpark, really seedy.

Blood test yesterday, not sure exactly what that was for except that the phone call in the afternoon from the clinic advised that all was going well and that tonight I start on another injection as well as the gonal f. This I am not looking forward to, the second injection replaces the syneral nasal spray and is a one use injection. I am reserving my fear until I see the actual needle. I don't mind needles really, as long as I am not having to inject myself. So it might be the case that I have a one and a half hour round trip to mum's so that she can come out of nursing retirement and give me the injection if it is too freaky.

Tomorrow, I am also booked for another blood test and an ultrasound, not sure what is being looked at...follicle production???? This is terrible, I leave all this generally to B, and just go with the flow. So far so good though, with the side effects. I hope they will not be famous last words.

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