Guest post by: - B
Well, where do I start? L is so lucky that I am on top of things… You see, I have a chart of the process (Agonist Protocol) on my pin board at work!
Yesterday, I called L to say that I had made a call to the clinic, just to check the cycle as by the chart I was looking at, L should have already started the injections and Syneral. So here is a background of what has happened so far…After the last miscarriage in October, we planned to try one more time for the year. But instead, the Specialist now wanted to do a couple of procedures to make sure that, anatomically, everything was OK. I had a meeting with him to discuss the process whilst L had a ‘phone hook-up’ as she was unable to attend.
A few days later, L was in theatre having a Hysteroscopy (having a look at the internal side of my uterus) and Laparoscopic surgery to have a look at the outside of the uterus to rule out Endometriosis. Biopsies were taken, as with some photos, and all was deemed OK.
Rather than having to go back and see him, he signed off a consent form for an Egg Collection Cycle (IVF) and on day
ONE of the next bleed to call the clinic and collect medications (Syneral and FSH Injections). But the bleed never came and he put me onto Provera to speed things along. Now this is a 10 day course and 3-5 days after finishing, it L should have started to have a 'cycle'. But no, nothing ever goes according to plan with her body and after 10 days, last Friday I again rang the clinic for guidance. A blood test was ordered for the Monday after the weekend.
Guess what happened over that weekend, yep, L's body made a fool out of us both, and it started on the Saturday night and full blown on the Sunday. So Sunday is now DAY 1 and an appointment was made for a blood test for March 2.
It had been bugging me all week, so yesterday I called to discuss it with them. The nurse seemed a little confused as well and suggested a call to the Specialist was called for. He agreed that a ‘Long Cycle (
Agonist Cycle) was to happen, but when I explained that we were told it would be a Quick Cycle (
Antagonist Cycle) due to many factors no more so than L does not normally cycle anyway which include Ovulating, and there must have been a mix up. She suggested that, (after I
asked pleaded if we had ‘missed the boat’ ) that a blood test today was urgent and that, provided L had baseline figures,
she I could start giving the injections for the quick cycle, QUICKLY!
So, after a disturbed sleep which I
might should post over at burntofferings, we were once again at the clinic early (7am) for a blood test, and I will get the results later today…
Stay tuned…
